miercuri, 13 mai 2009

Oare cand a crapat pamantul sub pasii nostrii?
de fiecare data cand ridic talpa un ochi priveste in mine,
imi simt trairi, si ganduri si soapte ..golite spre trecut, ramase in urma..ramase.

When did the earth crack under our steps?
every time I lift my sole an eye looks into me,
I feel the thoughts and whispers .. emptied into the past, left behind .. left..

marți, 12 mai 2009

mi-am ridicat mainile in calea vantului si l-am lasat sa ma usuce pana la coate
si eram bucuroasa….
si ei vor vedea ca nu imi pastrez in suflet suparari
vantul se intetea,
furtuna-mi vuia in crestet,
dar am ramas
sa vada ei cata putere intr-o femeie,
rece de nori mi-a biciut chipul
dar am ramas
sa visez
si nu-mi pasa ce vad ei.

I raised my hands into the wind and let it dry to my elbows
and I was happy ....
and they will see that I do not keep sorrow in my soul.
The wind was blowing,
the storm was whining in my head,
but I stayed
so they could see the power of a woman,
cold clouds whipped my face
but I stayed
to dream
and I don't care what they see.

vantu-si unduia crucile peste morminte.
te avertizasem,
Va veni furtuna, iubite!
tu insa sfinx mi-erai cu ochii-ti reci
si teama nu-ti era de tunete, de fulgere,
de calmul ce si-a asternut lesurile-i intre noi.
Tu mut,
Eu furioasa..pe pielea-mi uda, pe chipu-ti sters, pe lacrimi,
furioasa si trista..
S-a stins glasul intre noi…

The wind threw the crosses over the graves.
I warned you,
The storm is coming, beloved!
but you were like a sphinx with your cold eyes 
And you were not afraid of thunder, of lightning,
of the calm that has landed the corpses among us.
You were mute,
I was angry..on my wet skin, on your wiped face, on my tears,
angry and sad ..
The voice went out between us ...



Mă pierd sistematic între azi și ieri, între orele dimineții și pereții goi. Simt în palmă șiragul de perle reci, aveam 3 ani. La bunica mir...