A asteptat apusul sa-i mângâie buzele, pleoapele si obrajii cu ale lui culori..
Apoi a venit si noaptea si s-a uns pe încheieturi si tâmple cu stele din parfumul cerului,
Si-a deschis dulapul... si în el se întindea marea.
S-a îmbracat în valuri,a ales un sal de briza calda sa isi acopere umerii...
si acum asteapta... sa-i dezvaluie taina.
Biata femeie!
El si-a uns o bucata de lut cu durerea si lacrimile ei si s-a înfruptat lacom,
A pornit apoi intarziat spre ochii ei vesnic deschisi,
lasand in urma cladirile inalte si cersetori.
n-a mai batut la poarta, n-a mai cules un trandafir, n-a mai soptit "sunt eu, iubirea!" si n-a mai sarutat patimas buzele tremurande.
Biet barbat!
She called
the sun to embrace her with it's silky rays,
She waited
for the sunset to caress her lips, eyelids and cheeks with its colors.
Then came
the night and she anoint her wrists and temples with stars from sky perfume,
She opened her wardrobe ... and the sea reveals in it.
Dressed in
waves, she chose a warm breeze to cover her shoulders.
and now she's
waiting ... to reveal her secret.
Poor woman!
He put her pain and tears on a piece of clay and ate it greedily,
It was late when he walked towards her everlasting eyes,
behind tall buildings and beggars.
He never
knocked on the door, never picked a rose, no longer whispered "it is I, my love!" and he never kissed her trembling lips with passion.
Poor man!
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