De când nu mai esti..
A ramas podul casei fara porumbei
si beciul rece fara vinuri dulci.
Tataie si-a pierdut privirea undeva in zare
si ratacita a ramas!
Unditele tale zac in paieri
de unde câteva curci proaste
se gâniaza în crestetul meu când nu sunt atenta.
Nu mai sunt pesti pentru saramura sorbita din pastai,
iar gardul abia se mai tine,
ca un batrân încaruntit de ani.
Mi-e dor de via ce ne umbrea,
gradina cu miros de mâinile tale,
rosiile pe care mi le aduceai dimineata,
"fetita mea!" din glasul tau,
ziua în care mi-ai pus un pui în palme
si ai spus ca e doar al meu, sa-l îngrijesc..
si de iarna aceea în care m-ai zburat pe derdelus
facându-ma cel mai fericit copil.
De când nu mai esti..
Dunarea e mult prea departe,
iar eu ma trezesc plângând, cu dor de îmbratisari
A step into yesterday
Since you
are gone ..
The bridge of the house remained without pigeons
and the cold cellar without sweet wines.
Grandpa lost his gaze somewhere in space
and never returned.
The bridge of the house remained without pigeons
and the cold cellar without sweet wines.
Grandpa lost his gaze somewhere in space
and never returned.
And few dumb turkeys
are running about in a mindless dance.
There are no fish for soups
and the fence barely holds itself,
like an aged man whitened by the passing years.
the garden with the smell of your hands,
the tomatoes you brought me in the morning,
"my little girl!" in your voice,
the day you put a chicken in my hands
and you said it's just mine, to take care of it.
and that winter when you flew me on the ice
making me the happiest child.
Since you are gone ..
The Danube is too far,
and I wake up crying, longing for hugs.
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