mi-am ridicat mainile in calea vantului si l-am lasat sa ma usuce pana la coate
si eram bucuroasa….
si ei vor vedea ca nu imi pastrez in suflet suparari
vantul se intetea,
furtuna-mi vuia in crestet,
dar am ramas
sa vada ei cata putere intr-o femeie,
rece de nori mi-a biciut chipul
dar am ramas
sa visez
si nu-mi pasa ce vad ei.
I raised my
hands into the wind and let it dry to my elbows
and I was
happy ....
and they
will see that I do not keep sorrow in my soul.
The wind was
the storm was whining in my head,
but I stayed
so they could see the power of a woman,
cold clouds
whipped my face
but I stayed
to dream
and I don't
care what they see.
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